iSandBOX in Action: Monroe Elementary, WI

How interactive sandbox makes science lessons hands-on and tactile while students learn the necessary science concepts


The school bought iSandBOX projected reality station at the beginning of the school year 2023-2024. It is installed in the school library and is being operated by the Innovation Specialist, Sean Gremminger. All 350 students of Monroe Elementary come into the learning commons space twice a week to check out books and now this library time can be combined with learning some science concepts. We’ve asked Sean some questions about his experience with our interactive device.

What does a lesson with iSandBOX look like?

Each class sees me for 30 minutes, and they are divided in groups of 6 to 8 depending on the age range. That gives them 5-10 minutes per rotation with interactive sandbox.

Which subjects do you teach with iSandBOX?

I use iSandBOX mostly for science. I’m also going to use it for some team building exercises, where kids figure out how to work together.

Which interactive sandbox modes do you use the most?

The Water spring, Ocean, Safary and Landscape are the modes that I use the most. I’m also looking into the Battle and the Gardener.

How interactive sandbox makes science lessons hands-on and tactile

Has AR sandbox helped you achieve any specific learning goals?

I do a lot of science teaching, and one of the lessons for second graders was how do you learn about different landforms, such as peninsulas and islands. Before, the illustration has always been two-dimensional: here’s the peninsula and here’s a picture to it. I think the 3rd dimension is giving them a chance to build that tactile, hands-on connection. And it’s going to help them retain that information.

I’m also excited to try the Gardening lesson with kindergarteners, where physically burying things in the sand is going to help them understand how to take care of a plant. 

What value does iSandBOX bring to your school?

I think it allows those connections between hands-on learning and the science concepts they have to learn. Using hands and their other senses like sounds creates the whole immersive experience, making those concepts sink in more for kids. It’s new and it brings excitement to the library where sometimes it may be otherwise. Further our mission is to make this an essential area for our school and that brings another focal point. I’ve got parents that want to come in during teacher conferences and play with it. Our school board members came in and saw it why don’t other school districts have it, so they might be interested in getting more interactive sandboxes in the future.